My journey
My passion
My reason

“When it came to my health, I used to think that I was doomed to a life of obesity and ailments. Deep in my heart I longed for something better and something more…”

Image of Katy climbing mountains in 2022

When it came to my health, I used to think that I was doomed to obesity and ailments my entire life. Deep in my heart I longed for something better and something more. But no matter what I believed and desired, it seemed like I was on a different track. It was like I was never going to be happy in my body and I was never going to feel good and alive and vibrant! Always feeling much older than my age with SO MANY aches and pains. All I wanted was to live a vibrant healthy life. If it wasn’t one symptom, it was another. From digestive disorders to extreme PMS issues to a constantly achy body, and brain fog that limited what I knew was my true capacity. Not to mention the never ending battle with my weight! My food addiction had become completely out of control. Nothing mattered to me as much as food did. I ate in secrecy, fearful of others finding out just how bad my behaviors really were. 

By 2010, I knew a serious change was needed. I was tired of the life I had been living. I began to work on the mindset of self-love and grace and I learned how to lean into small healthy choices one day at a time (just “a smidge a day”). Slowly, I was changing my relationship with food. In time, I had a pretty healthy diet and exercise regimen for myself, all based in self love and kindness. But I only began to see small minor improvements. Not at all proportionate with the dedicated lifestyle I was now living. For me, getting healthy seemed much slower and harder than it did for others.  Even though I was able to lose a bit of weight, my health continued to worsen. The brain fog was constant and my body still hurt all the time. Digestive problems ran the gamut. I was frustrated! I couldn’t make sense of it! I had lots of doctors appointments and testing that all ended the same way… “Not sure why you have these symptoms, but it’s good that you’re making better lifestyle choices. Continue that path and see me in six months.“ Ugh!

Finally in 2015 my symptoms were so severe that I literally could not walk across the room without collapsing. I had continued to lose weight, but now it was actually muscle that was falling off of my body, not fat, and I felt like I was slowly dying. And you know what? I WAS! 

That is when I discovered my greatest partner in health…functional medicine! I began seeing an wonderful, caring Functional Medicine Practitioner. Through his care, attention, and the most in-depth lab workups I had ever heard of, I discovered what all the other doctors were missing. I had NINE bacterial overgrowths in my digestive track, four of which had gone pathogenic attacking my blood, thyroid, and liver! I was suffering severely from liver failure! I burst into tears! I kept saying that I felt like I was dying. Finally, I found someone who could help me LIVE again!

I immersed myself into his intensive program, studying everything I could find on Functional Medicine protocols, and doing EVERY single thing the doctor told me to do. The diet and protocol were hard, but I was sick of being sick and ready to feel alive again. Within six months I started feeling my old self return. Even better than ever! I remember one day literally dancing and singing in the kitchen. (REMINDER: I previously had trouble even walking to the kitchen.) I was actually getting well. After YEARS of confusion and frustration, I was getting well! 

I had a lot of work to do but, I was finally getting to the root cause of what was making me sick and on the way to repairing my health for good!

Today, I feel fit and vibrant and intelligent and alive. With each passing year I feel myself becoming stronger and healthier. People frequently tell me that I look like I am actually aging backwards. And you know what, they are right! I am 48 and I feel more vibrant than I did in my early 20s! 

Early in my healing process, I became ravenous for the knowledge and understanding of what makes bodies sick and what makes bodies well and thrive. I consumed any information I could, related Functional Medicine. Soon friends and family started seeking my advice on how they could better their health, their lives, and that of their family’s. I began witnessing profound changes in their lives. People were able to get off medication they had been on for years! Others used the concepts in their family kitchens and actually saw their children’s behaviors improve! They were able to get fit and feel well! Optimism, hope, and empowerment for their own wellness became part of their journey. Sharing this understanding became my passion. Studying Functional Medicine became like breathing air for me. I craved it constantly. I began a small private practice of teaching and coaching, because I believe everyone deserve health. I believe in longevity. I believe in living to be over 100 years old. I believe in moving our bodies and dancing and laughing and climbing mountains. I believe in self love, self kindness, and if you’re not having fun you’re doing it wrong! Haha! It’s a good life that we each have ahead of us!

Making change can be scary. Getting rid of old habits can be hard, especially when they might be part of your family culture or they might be something that you feel embarrassed to even talk about. Believe me, I understand! Been there, done that! 

My job, my passion, is to help you see the path in a way that feels doable, manageable, and kind. You have ALL that you need inside of you already, you just need someone to help you bring it forward. I will help. You will discover amazing things about yourself. And the life you’ve been dreaming of is TOTALLY within reach. I’ll be your guide and we will climb this beautiful mountain together!